Saturday, September 20, 2014

Four years later, the Chevelle is back on the road!

It took my husband some time, but he started restoring our 1966 Chevelle, after we were rear ended four years ago.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I know it has been a while since I have posted on my blog! We moved last year, and continued doing what we love, going to car shows with our 1966 Chevelle Convertible!
   We won 1st place at the car show in Fairfield, Iowa. It was awesome. The trophy was over 3 feet tall. The following weekend, we took the car to the Pzazz car show, at Catfish Bend in Burlington, Iowa. We again won 1st place in the convertible category. Winning was awesome! It was such a neat feeling to go to the shows, and show off all of our years of hard work. To be with other car enthusiasts.
  When we were leaving the car show to go home, we had to get on Highway 34 (a divided highway in southern Iowa). Immediately after getting on the highway, there was a truck and trailer on the shoulder. As everyone does, we got over to give them space and to be safe. But, that is when a huge problem occurred. There was a young man travelling at a high rate of speed, not paying attention and on his cell phone. He didn't even see out car. He smashed into the back of our convertible going very fast. Our car was demolished. All of our years of hard work was gone in the matter of a few seconds.
  The young man that hit us only had minimal liability insurance and it would not pay for the full value of the car. So they let us keep our car (how nice of them). Our car was totaled out because it is so difficult to find parts. Some parts are virtually impossible to find.

  We are heartbroken, to have a huge part of our family and lives taken away from us. Especially after all of our years of work on the restoration.